Publication of the first edition in April 2015 as a merger between the Informatics Engineering Journal and the Information Systems Journal managed by the Faculty of Information Technology at Maranatha Christian University.
Received national accreditation for the first time with the Sinta 4 grade.
Received national re-accreditation with Sinta 4 grade.
Starting the publication of JuTISI Vol. 7 No. 2, writing in one column is applied, with various editorial adjustments, such as completeness of affiliation, paper history, and writing procedures.
-. Starting the publication of JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 2, the new template is applied. Some information on copyright attribution, dual-language use of titles, and abstracts (in Bahasa Indonesia and English) are added.
-. Submission of re-accreditation for the next assessment period.
-. Received national re-accreditation result with Sinta 3 grade (SK No. 0041/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023).
-. Indexed by DOAJ as of October 2023 - inclusion starts in Vol. 8 No. 3 (December 2022) - and onwards.
New Policy
1. We tighten the desk evaluation process to improve the quality of publications.
2. We limit the number of publications per issue to between 8-15 papers.
3. We are preparing to publish internationally.
4. Ensure that:
-. All papers follow the template and writing guidelines.
-. The topic follows the scope and scientific trends and has a depth of analysis rather than just showing results.
New management under the Faculty of Smart Technology and Engineering Maranatha Christian University