
Proud to announce that we have obtained national re-accreditation with the predicate of Sinta 3 (Decree Number 0041/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023).

Starting from JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 2  a new template is applied.  Some information is added regarding copyright attribution, dual language in the title, and abstract (in Bahasa Indonesia and English).

Please follow the instructions in the template on the link provided.



Policy in 2024


1. We tighten the desk evaluation process to improve the quality of publications.2. We are preparing to publish internationally starting from Volume 11 in 2025.3. Ensure that:-. All papers follow the template and writing guidelines.-. The topic follows the scope and scientific trends and has a depth of analysis rather than just showing results.

Accredited Sinta 3


Proud to announce that we have obtained national re-accreditation with the predicate of Sinta 3 (Decree Number 0041/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023).

Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 9 No. 2 August 2023


Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 9 No. 2 August 2023 Important Dates (deadline): Paper Submission: 9 June 2023; Review Results: 7 July 2023; Camera Ready Submission: 21 July 2023; Online Publication: 25 August 2023; Print Version Publication: August 2023; Authors candidates may submit the manuscript at any time. We will append your manuscript to the review queue. We assure you that your manuscript will be reviewed and edited according to the appropriate scientific procedures. Author guidelines can be accessed at: Make sure the email used is active to communicate. Important information will also be announced through OJS according to the ID submission of each paper (please login with your valid username). We also recommend the authors check periodically for messages from the editorial team on the ID-submission page.   

Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 3 December 2022


Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 3 December 2022 Important Dates (deadline): Paper Submission: 14 October 2022 (attention: submitted paper on October 3rd 2022 onwards will be processed for April 2023 edition); Review Results: 18 November 2022; Camera Ready Submission: 25 November 2022; Online Publication: 23 December 2022; Print Version Publication: December 2022; Author guidelines can be accessed via: Make sure the email used is active to communicate. Important information will also be submitted through OJS according to the ID submission of each paper (login with username). We recommend the authors periodically check for messages from the editorial team via the ID-submission page.  

Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 2 August 2022


Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 2 August 2022 Important Dates (deadline): Paper Submission: 18 June 2022; Review Results: 16 July 2022; Camera Ready Submission: 23 July 2022; Online Publication: 27 August 2022; Print Version Publication: August 2022; Author guidelines can be accessed via: Make sure the email used is active to communicate. Important information will also be submitted through OJS according to the ID-submission of each paper (login with username). We recommend the authors periodically checking for messages from the editorial team via the ID-submission page.  

Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 1 April 2022


Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 8 No. 1 April 2022   Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk 'batas akhir' (deadline) pemrosesan:   • Pengumpulan Paper: 12 Februari 2022   • Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 19 Maret 2022   • Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 26 Maret 2022   • Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Online: 23 April 2022   • Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Cetak: April 2022   Panduan penulisan dapat diakses melalui: panduan.    Pastikan email yang digunakan aktif untuk berkomunikasi. Informasi penting juga akan disampaikan melalui OJS sesuai ID-submission masing-masing paper (login sesuai username). Kami menyarankan untuk secara berkala melihat apakah ada pesan dari tim editorial melalui laman ID-submission tersebut.  

Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 7 No. 3 Desember 2021


Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 7 No. 3 Desember 2021 Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk 'batas akhir' (deadline) pemrosesan: • Pengumpulan Paper: 15 Oktober 2021• Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 19 November 2021• Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 22 November 2021• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Online: 22 Desember 2021• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Cetak: Desember 2021Panduan penulisan dapat diakses melalui: panduan   Pastikan email yang digunakan aktif untuk berkomunikasi. Informasi penting juga akan disampaikan melalui OJS sesuai ID-submission masing-masing paper (login sesuai username). Kami menyarankan untuk secara berkala melihat apakah ada pesan dari tim editorial melalui laman ID-submission tersebut.  

Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 7 No. 2 Agustus 2021


Mulai edisi ini digunakan template penulisan satu kolom. Silakan rekan-rekan penulis dapat melihat template pada tautan yang telah disediakan. Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk 'batas akhir' penerbitan JuTISI Vol. 7 No. 2  - Agustus 2021: Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk 'batas akhir' pemrosesan: • Pengumpulan Paper: 18 Juni 2021 • Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 16 Juli 2021 • Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 23 Juli 2021 • Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Online: 20 Agustus 2021 • Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Cetak: Agustus 2021  

Call for Paper JuTISI Vol. 7 No. 1 April 2021


Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk 'batas akhir' pemrosesan: • Pengumpulan Paper: 22 Februari 2021• Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 15 Maret 2021• Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 22 Maret 2021• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Online: 24 April 2021• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Cetak: April 2021

Call for paper JuTISI vol.6 no.2 Agustus 2020


Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk Vol. 6 No. 2 Agustus 2020:• Batas Akhir Pengumpulan Paper: 1 Juli 2020• Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 15 Juli 2020• Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 22 Juli 2020• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Online: Agustus 2020• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Cetak: Agustus 2020

Call for paper JuTISI vol.6 no.1 April 2020


Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2020:• Batas Akhir Pengumpulan Paper: 1 Maret 2020• Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 15 Maret 2020• Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 22 Maret 2020• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Online: 10 April 2020• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Cetak: April 2020

Call for paper JuTISI vol.5 no.3 Desember 2019


Tanggal - tanggal penting untuk Vol. 5 No. 3, Desember 2019:• Batas Akhir Pengumpulan Paper: 12 Oktober 2019• Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 3 November 2019• Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 10 November 2019• Publikasi Jurnal Online: Desember 2019• Publikasi Jurnal Cetak:  Desember 2019

Call for paper JuTISI vol.5 no.2 Agustus 2019


Tanggal - tanggal penting untuk Vol. 5 No. 2, Agustus 2019:• Batas Akhir Pengumpulan Paper: 1 Juli 2019• Pemberitahuan Hasil Review: 15 Juli 2019• Pengumpulan Camera Ready: 22 Juli 2019• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Online: Agustus 2019• Tanggal Publikasi Jurnal Cetak: Agustus 2019