Author Guidelines
Online Submission
All authors who wish to submit manuscripts must be registered in the JuTISI online journal system. Author registration can be done via the registration link.
Authors who are already registered can directly log in.
General Guidelines for Writers
Detailed instructions for writing a JuTISI scientific article can be found in this folder or at the end of this manual.
The JuTISI manuscript template can be obtained in this folder.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to review manuscript submissions concerning all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not comply with these guidelines:
1. The manuscript has never been published before, nor in any other journal
2. Submitted files in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, PDF, or WordPerfect document file formats
3. Include the URL for the references used
4. Comply with the JuTISI Template
5. Comply with the JuTISI Writing Guidelines. You may use Bahasa Indonesia or English as the main language in the manuscript.
6. The review process can be done with a blind review
All manuscripts submitted into the online system will be pre-reviewed by taking into account all the provisions above. After that, the journal manager will also check for plagiarism using the Turnitin Plagiarism Checker, with a maximum similarity limit of 25%.
After the pre-review is done, the journal manager will allocate two peer-reviewers to conduct a double-blind review of the content. The duration of the review process will follow the important dates in each publication (see home).
Make sure the author monitors the system regularly or observes the news on the email registered to the system for information on the results of the review. After the review process is completed, then a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) can be issued, by submitting an application to the journal management via email at [email protected].
Copyright Notice
Declaration of Copyright for the author's manuscript is done by completing the following form (which can be downloaded here). The JuTISI journal uses a Copyright policy under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses included in the publication of papers in this journal are only used exclusively for the purposes of the journal and will not be given to other parties or used for purposes outside the journal.
Publication Fee
The publication of manuscripts in JuTISI is free of charge.
Instruction for Authors
When submitting a paper through the open journal system, please pay attention to fill in the following metadata:
- -. All authors must be listed in the metadata, in the same order as the authors in the paper;
- -. For each author's metadata, fill in the affiliation with the full name of the author's university/institution.
This writing guideline is a guide for preparing manuscripts for JuTISI. Use the document template that has been provided if the author uses Microsoft Word. If you don't use Microsoft Word, authors can use this document for drafting instructions. After the paper is accepted, and the final revision is sent to us, this electronic document will be further formatted by the JuTISI editor. Papers must use A4 size paper, which is 21 cm wide and 29.7 cm long. Papers must be written in a one-column format. Page margins need to be set as follows:
- -. Top = 1.9 cm
- -. Bottom = 4.3 cm (this width is for logo installation)
- -. Left = 2 cm
- -. Right= 1.43 cm
The title format does not contain place names, institution names, or abbreviations (maximum 12 words). The title of the paper must be 24 pt, Times New Roman, centered, as in the example. The title of the paper is written in Indonesian and English (note: for foreign authors, it is enough to use English).
In the author's identity, the author's name is not abbreviated. The correspondent author's name is marked as (envelope)*. The author marks #1 *2 #3 as the author's order. The author writes down the department, university name, address, and city. The author includes an e-mail address. The author's name must be in 11 pt size. The name of the author's institution must be in 10 pt size and italicized. The email address must be in 9 pt size with Courier text. Each first letter of each word in the title is typed in capital letters except for connecting words such as "at", "and", "or", "with", "to", "which", "to", "from", "if", or "from". Academic degrees (such as Dr., Ir., or ST.) nor professional degrees (such as Director or Manager) may not be included in the author's name.
To avoid confusion, the author's last name or surname should be listed at the end. For example, Widodo Budiono Wahyu. Each author must include their affiliation information, as a minimum the name of the institution and the address where the author works. If you don't work in a higher education institution, you also need to include the name and address of the company where you work. The email address is required to be included as the author's contact information.
In the abstract, the author should not refer to other publications. The abstract contains objectives, methods, important findings, and conclusions. Make an abstract in Indonesian and English, with a maximum 250 of words (note: for foreign authors, it is sufficient to use English in the abstract). Choose keywords: 3 - 5 words/phrases, in alphabetical order, please do not include an institution name, and use ';' as a separator.
All first lines at the beginning of a paragraph must be indented, with justified formatting. All documents must be typed in Times New Roman font. The text size reference is as follows:
- -. Font size 8 standard for Table and Image Captions (Small Caps), and Lists
- -. Font size 8 italics for References in the bibliography.
- -. Font size 9 standard for Author's Email (Courier font)
- -. Font size 9 bold for abstract, content
- -. Font size 9 italics for abstract titles (italic and bold).
- -. Font size 10 standard for Chapter Titles level 1 (Small Caps),
- -. Font size 9 italics for Chapter Titles level 2 and level 3, institutional information
- -. Font size 11 standard for names
- -. Font size 24 for Headings
The systematic presentation of the paper consists of an introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and a bibliography (IMRAD structure).
The Introduction section contains the background of the problem, identification of problems, relevant literature related to the research subject, research objectives, and the novelty of the research results. The Introduction section does not have sub-chapters. The Method describes the research design, research procedures (which can be completed with diagrams), research data, and the tests or experiments carried out. Results and discussion explain the results of the research which is accompanied by a comprehensive discussion or discussion. Research results can be presented in the form of tables, pictures, or graphs or in the form of visualizations that readers can understand better. Conclusions are statements that refer to the research objectives that are linked to the results and discussion of the research. Further research plans can also be mentioned in this section.
The paragraph starts indented as in this example paragraph. The font used is Times New Roman, 10 pt, single-spaced, with justified paragraphs. The following paragraphs follow the format shown in this document. There are no spaces between paragraphs in a chapter. Between chapters can be given a single space as an example. No words above, below, etc (use the image or table numbers). Do not use the word author or me. There is no specific definition and theoretical background section, all integrated into the content. Describe a deep analysis of the results in the discussion.
Sub-chapters cannot be more than 3 levels. All sub-chapter titles must be typed in 10 pt text. The first letter of each word in the title is typed in capital letters except for connecting words such as "at", "and", "or", "with", "to", "which", "to", "from", "if", or "from".
- -. Level 1 chapter headings: Level 1 chapter headings must be arranged in Small Caps, centered, and numbered with roman numbers (I, II, III, etc.). For example, see Chapter I.
- -. Level II chapter headings: Level 2 chapter headings must be italicized and numbered A, B, C, D, and so on, followed. For titles, the first letter of each word in the title is typed in capital letters except for conjunctions such as “at”, “and”, “or”, “with”, “to”, “which”, “to”, “from”, “if”, or “from”.
- -. Level III chapter headings: Level 3 chapter headings must be typed in indentation. The words are in italics and are numbered 1,2,3, etc. Chapter title level 3 is followed by a colon (:) as in the example in this file. The content of level 3 chapters must immediately follow the colon in the paragraph that is, for example, this paragraph is the content for level 3 chapters.
Figures and tables must be centered in 1 column. If the figures and tables are very large, they can be made across the width of the page using both columns. If you create tables and figures that use more than 1 column, then the table or figure must be placed at the very bottom of the page in question.
Images can be presented in color, with a minimum image resolution of 300 dpi. Choose colors that provide good contrast in the form of color (electronic version of the journal) and black and white (printed version of the journal). Only use SOLID FILL (solid color fill, not gradient) which will provide good contrast as in the examples in Figure 1 in the template.
Please check all images in your paper, both on-screen and in black and white. When you inspect the black and white print, please check:
- -. The colors used to provide good contrast in the form of color (in the electronic journal version) and black and white (in print proceedings),
- -. The image used is clear,
- -. All of the textual attributes on the picture can be read
The images must be numbered 1,2,3, etc. in Times New Roman, 8 pt. Headings with only 1 line must be centered (example in Figure 1), while titles with more than 1 line (example for Figure 2) must be aligned left and right (justified). The reference to the image must be placed immediately after the image in question, for example in Figure 1 (see template).
Tables must be numbered with the digits 1,2,3,..etc. The Table Caption is centered, with Times New Roman, 8 pt, Small Caps. Every word in the table must be capitalized, except for conjunctions such as "at", "and", "or", "with", "to", "which", "to", "from", "if , or "from". Paragraphs that refer to the table in question must be placed before the table as shown in Table 1 (see template).
Formulas are written in standard notation commonly used for formulas and are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. The formula must be referenced in the text by mentioning the number.
There should be no page numbering, headers, or footers. The editors will add this section before the proceedings are printed.
All links to internet addresses and bookmarks will be removed from the paper at the time of processing the paper for publication. If you need to provide a reference to a specific email address in your paper, you must type the email address or link using text without using the format of the links.
Consistency of citations and bibliography (please use DOI when it is applied), 50% of journals in the reference list, at least 12 references, in the last 10 publication years, using the IEEE format. The title of the Bibliography should not be numbered. All literature must be written in Times New Roman 8 pt. Use plain text (Regular) and italic (Italic) to distinguish certain sections of the Bibliography. The library number must be in square brackets (example: [1]).
If referring to a single reference in the bibliography, use only the number. For example according to Matey and Veiko [1]. Multiple references are numbered in separate brackets (eg [2], [3], [4] –[6]).
[1] Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955. (references)
[2] Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.
[3] S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.
[4] Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.
[5] Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,” J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.
[6] Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].
[7] Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
[8] Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003. [E-book] Available: Safari e-book.
[9] T. Kimour and D. Meslati, “Deriving objects from use cases in real-time embedded systems,” Information and Software Technology, vol. 47, no. 8, p. 533, June 2005. [Abstract]. Available: ProQuest, [Accessed November 12, 2007].
[10] Smith, R. Jones, and K. Trello, “Adaptive filtering in data communications with self improved error reference,” In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications ’04, 2004, pp. 65-68.
The number of pages between 7-15 pages (3500 – 7500 words) for each article, including the bibliography.
The conclusion does not contain points (bulleted items) but is written as a whole paragraph. The conclusion contains statements that refer to the research objectives that are linked to the results and discussion of the research. Further research plans can also be mentioned in this section. The headings for the acknowledgment and bibliography sections do not need to be numbered and centered. Acknowledgments are usually given to the institution or company that funded your research.