Public service optimizations with e-government design

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Gina Sukma Pertiwi
Anton Mulyono Azis


Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa (DPMD) of West Java is a government institution that underlies activities related to every village in all districts in West Java. The application of the old version of public service procedures during the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in less than optimal and ineffective public service procedures. The purpose of this study is to determine public service procedures, determine the factors that cause manual public service procedures not optimal, and to compare the effectiveness of manual and e-government village financial assistance service procedures. This study uses exploratory method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study, while fishbone diagram is used to identify the causes of non-optimal manual public service procedures. The result shows that the current public service procedure is not optimal, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in village financial service assistance, which is caused by the human factors, the products or services, the processes, and the environment. Therefore, the development of manual public service procedures to be online-based or e-government can be used in the implementation of public services.


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Pertiwi, G. S., & Azis, A. M. (2022). Public service optimizations with e-government design. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 21(2), 145–154.


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