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Siti Desintha


Visualization of packaging is one of the main attractions in persuading consumers of the product. In addition to conveying the message can also lead to a sense of emotional attachment. The portrait photography displayed can represent the superiority of the product as a visual narrative. Balance Madia Menstrual Comfort has natural ingredients that are processed in a modern way to make herbal products PT. Deltomed Laboratories is a solution for menstrual relieving drugs. In this study, the field of visual communication design becomes the main step in the analysis process that leads to a discussion about understanding the correlation between signs in portrait photography contained in Herbana packaging. This study can explain in detail the influence of portrait photography in creating value and function. This study uses a qualitative method with Barthes' semiotic approach. So it can be found the results of this study that portrait photography as a medium that is able to persuade consumers to the product


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How to Cite
Desintha, S. (2022). CITRA VISUAL FOTOGRAFI POTRET PADA KEMASAN HERBANA. Serat Rupa Journal of Design, 6(1), 94–105.


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