Workload, organizational commitment, and turnover intention: Job satisfaction as mediation

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Whitney Ong
Antony Sentoso
Agustinus Setyawan


This study examines the effects of workload and organizational commitment (OC) on the turnover intention (TI) of the millennial generation in Batam City, Indonesia, with job satisfaction (JS) as a mediator. Furthermore, the distribution of questionnaires to 413 respondents through a survey occurs.  To analyze the data, this study employs a structural equation model based on variance, and the statistical testing results demonstrate some things. Firstly, workload positively affects TI. However, OC does not influence TI. Secondly, workload negatively stimulates JS. Unfortunately, OC positively affects JS. Thirdly, JS negatively affects TI. Finally, JS can mediate the influence of workload and OC on TI. These circumstances indicate that workload is a leading factor in enhancing turnover intention. Employees with high workloads become stressed and dissatisfied with their tasks. Based on these outcomes, the firms need to lessen assignments to prevent turnover intention and upsurge their working satisfaction by generating a comfortable and supportive work environment.


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How to Cite
Ong, W., Sentoso, A., & Setyawan, A. (2023). Workload, organizational commitment, and turnover intention: Job satisfaction as mediation. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 23(1), 99–108.


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