Review Process
Each manuscript submitted to the Journal of Integrated System (JIS) will undergo the following process:
Before entering the peer review process, manuscripts will be checked for topic suitability, format, and similarity checks. The topic of the manuscript must be following the field of Industrial Engineering. The format of the submitted manuscript must match the specified Author Template. Checking similarity is carried out using Turnitin plagiarism detection tools, with a maximum similarity level of 25%.
Manuscripts that pass the pre-review process above will be reviewed using a double-blind peer review system. The result of the review process is whether the manuscript will be Declined, Major Revision, Minor Revision, or Accepted.
The author(s) will be asked to carry out a final correction regarding the Final Published Version manuscript, before publication.
Make sure the author(s) monitors OJS JIS so that the author(s) immediately gets information regarding manuscripts submitted by the JIS Editor.