Business Assistance for Improving SS Tempeh Production in Islamic Boarding School Limo Depok


  • Heni Nastiti S1 Management Study Program, Faculty of Economy and Business, UPN Veteran Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dewi Cahyani Pangestuti S1 Management Study Program, Faculty of Economy and Business, UPN Veteran Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Noegrahini Lastiningsih D3 Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy and Business, UPN Veteran Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia



business assistance; fulfillments of income market; production increase; tempeh production


Tempeh is a kind of food that is favored by many people. Tempeh is native to Indonesia. Tempeh is very easy to be made into any cuisine. Businesses that make tempeh are generally still run on a small scale with limited sales. This is because tempeh producers' abilities and skills are still limited. On the other hand, the market opportunity for tempeh products is still very large. This opportunity can also potential for the tempeh producers who are generally part of lower-class society to achieve a better standard of living. The problem of market opportunities that are still unreachable by the tempeh producers needs to be addressed through innovation so that the tempeh product can be accepted by the wider market. This is the motivation for the community service team to assist tempeh businesses. Assistance carried out includes improving the quality of the production process. The implementation of community service was carried out at Sirajussa’adah Boarding School in Limo, Depok, from August to September 2021. The methods used are lectures, discussions, training, and mentoring. The result expected from this community service is that tempeh producers, in this case, students of Islamic Boarding School in Limo Depok, can create hygienic tempeh. The conclusion is that, through training and mentoring activities, the students as tempeh business actors can increase their independence. In addition, the production of tempeh can be marketed to the community at large so that the end goal of the program is to increase the business income of Sirajussa’adah Boarding School in Limo Depok.    




How to Cite

Nastiti, H., Pangestuti, D. C., & Lastiningsih, N. (2022). Business Assistance for Improving SS Tempeh Production in Islamic Boarding School Limo Depok. Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement, 3(1), 59–70.


