Adaptation of the Indonesian version of the Lovingkindness Compassion Psychometric Measuring Tool

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Fadliah Tri Kusnanda
Larasati Khairunnisa
Nur Huda Linnas
Restu Ainun Nissa Ainun
Ruth Agestianti
Helli Ihsan
Diah Zaleha Wyandini
Ghinaya Ummul Mukminin


Academic stress has become a common experience among students. Prolonged academic stress can have negative consequences, one of which is the disruption of students' mental health. Lovingkindness Compassion is one of the active protectors of mental health for students. However, there has been no research on the measurement of Lovingkindness in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to test the validity and reliability of the Lovingkindess Compassion measurement tool adapted from Cho (2018). The Lovingkindeness Compassion scale consists of 15 items with 3 dimensions: compassion, self-centeredness, and lovingkindness. The subjects of this study were 214 active students in Bandung. The results of confirmatory factor analysis show that the model fits with the goodness-of-fit indices of 0.051 (RMSEA), 0.060 (SRMR), and 0.869 (CFI). The results of the confirmatory factor analysis test show that the model fits with fit index values ​​of 0.051 (RMSEA), 0.060 (SRMR), and 0.869 (CFI), so that the Lovingkindness Compassion measuring tool adapted to Indonesian is valid. Furthermore, the reliability test with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient yielded a result of 0.574, indicating that the measurement tool is reliable in the moderate category.


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Kusnanda, F. T., Khairunnisa, L., Linnas, N. H., Ainun, R. A. N., Agestianti, R., Ihsan, H., Wyandini, D. Z., & Mukminin, G. U. (2024). Adaptation of the Indonesian version of the Lovingkindness Compassion Psychometric Measuring Tool. Humanitas (Jurnal Psikologi), 8(1), 1–12.


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