Author Guidelines
Dear Our Future Authors,
Please read this guideline carefully before submitting your manuscript(s) in Dialogia Iuridica Journal:
- The submitted manuscript(s) must be the author's original scientific work that has never been published in any other media and does not contain any elements of
- The manuscript(s) can be written in English or Indonesian (5000-9000 words), including bibliography), A4 size paper, Times New Romans font, 12 pt size, 1.5 spacing and 3 cm of right, left, top, bottom m Please refer to manuscript template for further reference.
- The manuscript(s) must be written in line with the format of the journal with the following systematics: Article title, Author Name (Author Institution (including full address and comprising Program Study, Faculty, University, together with Author’s Email Address), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Discussion (consisting of independent sub-discussions), Closing, and Bibliography.
- Journal uses Modern Language Association (MLA Reference Style). All reference in article’s footnote and bibliography shall follow the prevailing MLA reference style.
- Please read the following checklist to make sure your article is in line with journal’s policy:
- Reference sources must be recent publications (previous 10 years up to present are deemed as recent) with journals as the main composition – at least half of the total composition and the rest are books, links and others At least 15 journal articles shall be used as reference sources and journal reference.
- Reference manager (preferably Mendeley or Zotero) are highly recommended. Traceable reference is highly preferred.
- Article(s) should be submitted to this site. On the web, the author can register himself as author, login and comply with the article submission procedure according to the
- By submitting to Dialogia Iuridica, authors agree to comply with author guidelines and manuscript templates, and authors will put its utmost efforts to reviewer’s results and editor’s