Author Guidelines
Publication Policy
- Jurnal Akuntansi is a Journal that contains issues in the field of Accounting and Finance. Jurnal Akuntansi is published under ISSN number 2085-8698 and e-ISSN 2598-4977. The journal is published by Maranatha University Press.
- Jurnal Akuntansi is published twice a year regularly in May (Submission Deadline 30 March) and in November (Submission Deadline 30 September).
- Jurnal Akuntansi is a platform for lecturers, academics, researchers, practitioners, and students to communicate and convey knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research articles, case studies, and literature reviews.
- All articles submitted to Jurnal Akuntansi are articles that have never been submitted or in the process of review in other journals.
- All accepted articles will be available for download The language used is Indonesian or English. All articles will have a DOI number
- The manuscript will be processing to editorial screening and blind review by a member of the editorial team. In order to achieve our standards, the author must consider the following points:
- Relevancy to issues that trends in Public Sector Accounting, Taxation, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Information Systems, Finance, Accounting Education, and other topics in accounting issue.
- Consistency of
- Written logic and well academic
- Originality of analysis, paper contribution to academic and
- Well referenced by using recent publication and more than 80% national/international reputable journal that published during the last 10
Formatting and Submission
- Paper that willing to submit to Jurnal Akuntansi need to follow our template that available at pjr5/view
- Writing and compiling bibliography must be raw and consistent using the MENDELEY citation application. Bibliography writing refers to the American Psyicological Association (APA) style format
- All submissions must go through OJS Jurnal Akuntansi at the following link:
- Submission also available after completion of registration to our online journal platform
Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Bisnis Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Jl. Prof. drg. Suria Sumantri No.65 Bandung 40164 Email: [email protected]
PIC: Lauw Tjun Tjun, S.E., M.Si. (WA: 081320207700)