Serat Rupa Journal of Design <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: black;">SRJD (Serat Rupa Journal of Design) is an official <strong>open-access journal</strong> published under the Maranatha Christian University. The open-access policy refers to the free public-access to read an article. SRJD is intended to accommodate any research publication in areas of Visual Communication Design, Interior Design &amp; Architecture, Fashion Design. SRJD wishes to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and new research findings in the field of design and culture. </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: black;">SRJD is affiliated with HDII West Java Chapter (Himpunan Desainer Interior Cabang Jawa Barat) &amp; ADGI (Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia) in the editorial matter. </span><span style="color: black;">SRJD encourages manuscript written by the academician, also from professional designers who need to publish their design process ideas with interesting concepts that could be valuable for the field of design and culture. Publication in SRJD is <strong>free of charge</strong> (for the review and online publication process). </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: black;">SRJD accept articles written in Indonesian (main language) and English. SRJD is published twice a year, in <strong>January</strong> and <strong>July</strong>. Serat Rupa Journal of Design<strong> </strong>has been indexed by GARUDA, Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, BASE.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>e-ISSN: <a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2477-586X</a></strong><strong> | DOI: <a title="prefix DOI" href=""></a></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: black;">TO SUBMIT YOUR PAPER, PLEASE DOWNLOAD OUR TEMPLATE</span></strong><strong>: </strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a title="Template 2023" href=";ouid=117482449689328663833&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true"><strong>Manuscript Template 2023</strong></a></p> Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Universitas Kristen Maranatha en-US Serat Rupa Journal of Design 2477-586X Front Matter Editor Copyright (c) 2024 Yunita Setyoningrum, M.Ds. 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 Utilization of Bamboo Waste for Preschool Musical Toy with Surface Mimicry Approach <p>During design process, Surface Mimicry can be used as an alternative approach by utilizing the role and similarity of objects based on their familiarity with shapes. Unlike behavior and functional mimicry, the point of view on surface mimicry expresses the visual similarity of objects rather than their actions and functions. Bamboo is a traditional Indonesian material that is easy to find and use as a basic material for various musical instruments, but the waste is still rarely processed. For example, at the location of Saung Angklung Udjo's partner as a supplier of angklung in large quantities in West Java, waste from production with a subtractive process of bamboo sticks of various sizes ends up being material that is only burned. This article tells the design process of prototype works of preschool music toys that utilize the potential of bamboo waste and the subtractive production process through a surface mimicry approach that is relevant to the character of the original material form.</p> <p>This design exploration activity is part of mimicry research (surface, behavior, function), process (formative, subtractive, additive) and system (integral, modular) which can be an alternative method in developing innovative products in the context of environmentally friendly and sustainable design. </p> Bismo Jelantik Joyodiharjo Nabilla Puteri Sidarta Yasraf Amir Piliang Dwinita Larasati Tati Suryati Syamsudin Copyright (c) 2024 Bismo Jelantik Joyodiharjo, Nabilla Puteri Sidarta, Yasraf Amir Piliang, Dwinita Larasati, Tati Suryati Syamsudin 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.6478 Cirebon Mythology Visual Elements in The Design of Sitiwinangun Ceramic Crafts for Interior Products <p>Since Sitiwinangun has announced as a pottery tourism village in 2016, various pottery development programs in this village have been initiated by several parties, including academics, government, and business entities. This research aims to develop a tradition of making pottery in Sitiwinangun with a focus on the potential of Sitiwinangun pottery, especially sculptures with the theme of Cirebon mythology that applied to the design of pottery products for interiors. The method used in this study is practice-led research through a design approach, a technical approach, and a visual approach with the stages of observation, design development, and design finalization. The results showed that the form of Cirebon's mythological sculptures could be developed through application to interior products. This research is to improve people's appreciation of local traditions, scientific development, product diversification, and the community's living standards and economy, especially in the pottery sector.</p> Hatif Adiar Almantara Gita Winata Deni Yana Copyright (c) 2024 Hatif Adiar, Gita Winata, Deni Yana 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 1 122 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.6490 Building Jakarta’s Identity Through Plus Jakarta: City of Collaboration Campaign <p>With the increasing intensity of urban competition, city branding strategies are becoming more widely adopted by major cities around the world, including Jakarta. Despite experiencing political turbulence, the Plus Jakarta City of Collaboration campaign is considered a breakthrough amongst other Indonesian city brands. The aim of this study is to question the success of the campaign to Anholt’s city branding hexagon theory using explanatory research and qualitative approach. This theory discusses six variables that create a successful city branding: presence, place, potential, pulse, people, and prerequisite. The study concludes that Plus Jakarta have succeeded in variables people and prerequisite and have shown efforts towards the other variables but have yet to succeed in them due to its short lifespan and having no support from the current government as stakeholder.</p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span></em></p> Galuh Mawarni Matahariputri Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor Dody Achmad Nawawi Copyright (c) 2024 Galuh Mawarni, Alvanov Zpalanzani, Dody Sagir 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.6511 Analyzing the Role of Professional Ethics Learning to Face the Development of Graphic Design Industry: A Case Study of Bandung City <p>Graphic designer is a profession with considerable influence and scope of work. This causes the demand for this profession to increase every year. However, graphic design has seen a decline in quality and appreciation. Of course, this condition is very contradictory to the increase in demand. According to the International Council of Design (ICO-D), apart from the quality of competence, this condition can occur because there are still problems with professional ethics. As an area that has informal social conditions even in the work environment, Bandung City is one of the areas that feels the impact. which, Informal attitude makes the formation of a less indifferent attitude to standard things such as work agreements, or a professional attitude when working together with colleagues. This attitude makes the graphic design profession in Bandung City has not received a good enough appreciation from the industry. This research will examine the relationship between professional ethics issues and industry perceptions in Bandung City related to the development of graphic design. Data is taken and processed by triangulating data through several methods. Namely, focus group discussions with academics, practitioners, and students who will complement the literature review obtained. From the results of data analysis, it is known that the ethical problems of the graphic design profession that often occur in Bandung City both among apprentices, intermediates, and seniors are communication problems in the social and work environment. Another insight gained is that the perception of professional ethics by each practitioner is different based on their thoughts and experiences, so a reference about professional ethics needs to be uniform. In addition, it is necessary to instill ethics as early as possible so that it can increase the value of the graphic design profession to the practical industry and service users.</p> <p><em> </em></p> Theo Gennardy Dianing Ratri Copyright (c) 2024 Theo Gennardy, Dianing Ratri 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.6592 The Influence of Natural Scenery and Material in Inpatient Room on The Anxiety of Pregnant Women <p>During the pregnancy process, pregnant women often experience anxiety disorders which have a negative impact on personal mental health and fetal health, anxiety that occurs can increase approaching labour. Inpatient room is the patient's closest environment during labor and postpartum which affects anxiety in pregnant women. The use of natural scenery and material in inpatient room is believed able to affect the level of anxiety. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of natural scenery and natural material in hospital inpatient room on the psychological effects of anxiety felt by pregnant women. This research uses quantitative methods with experiments and literature studies related to the topic of discussion. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive effect on the natural scenery and natural material on the anxiety of pregnant women, and the results show that the elements of a real natural scenery are the elements that have the most positive influence on the anxiety of pregnant women. This research is expected to be a reference for designing inpatient rooms by considering the use of natural scenery and natural material and their psychological effects on the anxiety of pregnant women.</p> Shelvie Kania Hani Gamas Wangsadiputri Yuni Maharani Copyright (c) 2024 Shelvie Kania Hani Gamas Wangsadiputri, Yuni Maharani 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.7074 Place Attachment and Consumer Revisit Intentions at Sundanese Restaurant <p><em>The increase in the number of restaurants in the city of Bandung comes from high market demand. These developments make Sundanese restaurants have to survive with a concept that has a local image from the trend of new concepts about places to eat in the city of Bandung. The attachment of place in residential areas to public space will be very different <span data-ccp-parastyle="English Abstract">and more specifically if the public space is a type of restaurant that carries culture and uniqueness. Creation of a sense of location, belonging and connectedness to a place that engages the individual in an authentic way. This can generate positive emotions in users such as a unique sense of being bound, respected, respected and supported. These environmental conditions physically and socially will affect the user's activities to achieve and provide the user's destination to the place. Discussion of the concept of revisit intention with the phenomenon of consumer place attachment in Sundanese restaurants has never been discussed in previous research. It is hoped that this research will be useful for expanding knowledge of attached places </span></em><span data-contrast="auto">and developing traditional themed restaurants, especially Sundanese restaurants. This study uses a correlational quantitative method which shows the relationship between variables with statistical data. This research focuses on determining the role of place attachment from functional, emotional, physical and social factors in Sundanese restaurants on consumers' intentio</span><span data-ccp-parastyle="English Abstract"><em>ns </em></span><span data-ccp-parastyle="English Abstract"><em>to revisit. The results showed that the form of the relationship between the independent variables was positive and unidirectional. The partial test results show that place identity does not have a significant positive influence on consumers' intention to revisit. The social factor of the place has a more significant influence</em></span><span data-ccp-parastyle="English Abstract"><em>,</em></span><span data-ccp-parastyle="English Abstract"><em> compared to other variables on the intention to return to the case study.</em></span></p> Meiya Tiannisabri Dona Saphiranti Copyright (c) 2024 Meiya Tiannisabri, Dona Saphiranti 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.7084 Design and Development of Digital Art as Assets in Morale Educational Video Game using RND <p>One of the forms produced by digital images is Digital Art: the artwork that<br />was created using digital technology or a computer. Digital art has become<br />an important element in video game development. The uniqueness of a<br />video game, aesthetically, depends on digital art usage as a game asset, such<br />as for the avatar of the video game character used. In the development of<br />educational video game prototypes with moral topics aimed at Indonesian<br />high school students, digital art that displays diverse cultural and ethnic<br />characteristics is needed so that the delivery of the material presented is<br />immersive to players. This study uses the RND approach, where the<br />Research approach uses qualitative methods in the form of observing the physical characteristics of each ethnic group and the Development approach<br />uses the PDDIE (Planning, Design, Development, Implementation,<br />Evaluation) method. The results of the design and development of digital<br />art are then applied in educational moral video games as character assets.<br />The application of digital art as a moral education video game design asset<br />to students makes learning more immersive and enjoyable.</p> Jaslina Jaslina Tony Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 Jaslina, Tony Wibowo 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.6485 Factors for Selecting Indoor and Outdoor Areas at Concept Café Identification Based on the Comfort of Visitor Activities <p>Fenomena <em>hustle culture </em>telah menyebabkan individu atau kelompok menggunakan waktu luangnya untuk melakukan kegiatan produktif secara konstan dari mana saja. Pola pikir ini menyebabkan kafe yang semula sekedar kedai kopi menjadi populer sebagai lokasi bekerja untuk <em>work from anywhere </em>(WFA). Tren ini memerlukan adaptasi kafe agar mendukung kenyamanan pengguna dengan mentransformasi faktor fisik lingkungan agar mampu bersaing dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan industri <em>food and beverage</em>. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kenyamanan pengunjung ketika beraktivitas pada <em>concept café</em> di area <em>indoor</em> dan <em>outdoor </em>khususnya di Kota Surabaya dengan metode pengumpulan data kuantitatif. Disimpulkan bahwa area <em>indoor</em> menjadi favorit pengunjung dengan faktor suhu ruangan, pelayanan kafe, elektrikal dan internet, akustik atau kebisingan, serta estetika ruangan sebagai pertimbangan. Sedangkan kenyamanan pengunjung di area <em>outdoor</em> dipengaruhi fungsinya sebagai tempat merokok, serta faktor lainnya yaitu pelayanan kafe, suhu udara, jenis sarana duduk, serta jenis pencahayaan dan estetika menjadi faktor utama yang dipertimbangkan oleh pengunjung kafe. Temuan ini akan berfungsi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pemilik dan manajer <em>concept café </em>mengenai faktor penentu kenyamanan pengunjung serta memberikan wawasan berharga tentang strategi desain yang efektif yang dapat meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan</p> Putu Nadya Iswaridewi Onna Anieqo Tanadda Susy Budi Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Nadya Iswaridewi, Onna Anieqo Tanadda, Susy Budi Astuti 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.6818 Problematics of Media Transferment of Surface-Based designs to Screen-Based Designs <p>The global health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all areas of human life. Humans must rearrange their way of life, including the way of worship. Sunday school services that were previously luring at the church, have now turned into daring worship at home. In the practice of telling stories daring, it turns out that Surface-based media, such as print media, which were originally effective in face-to-face situations, are now less powerful in front of the camera. All visual aids used to tell stories to Sunday school children cannot simply be used in front of a screen in daring worship. The reason is that screen-based media has different characteristics from Surface-based media. So, illustrations and types of luring props cannot simply be used in an daring situation. Visual aids in face-to-face situations cannot be equated with daring situations. This study aims to apply Surface-based visual aids to screen-based media. To achieve this goal, literature and experimental study methods are used. First, a literature study will be conducted on the characteristics of visual aids. Next, a sample of Surface-based Sunday school story props will be selected which is designed to be a screen-based teaching aid. Then the results of the transformation of the props will be tested on Sunday school children. The final step is the completion of the work. It is hoped that the findings of this study can provide input for the design of daring Sunday school visual aids. In general, it can be useful for the development of visual communication design media.</p> Naniwati Sulaiman Rene Arthur Palit Copyright (c) 2024 Naniwati Sulaiman, Rene Arthur Palit 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 8 1 10.28932/srjd.v8i1.5727