Hubungan Antara Citra Merek dengan Ekuitas Merek

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Jacinta Winarto


Although, in the first time, a brand is a distinction among one product and the other products, a company needs to effort that a brand has a positive image and therefore gives a positive brand image to the customer. With many competitors in the market, the competition is increase among the brands which operate in the market and only a brand who has strong brand equity can dominate in the market. The stronger brand equity of a product is, the stronger it can impress the consumers to consume the product and the company can make profit from the time being. The brand equity consist of five elements. Therefore, the knowledge of those brand equity elements is neded to arrange the strategic steps to increase the existance of the brand and to increase the company's profit. According to Aaker, brand equity consist of five elements majority i.e.: brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, loyalty and other brand assets. The stronger those elements are, the stronger the brand equity is.


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How to Cite
Winarto, J. (2015). Hubungan Antara Citra Merek dengan Ekuitas Merek. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 10(2).