Determinant Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight Babies at Sakit Khusus Ibu dan Anak Kota Bandung From January-December 2019


  • Tamara Damayanti Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University
  • Rimonta F Gunanegara Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University
  • Meilinah Hidayat Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University


Kata Kunci:

risk factors, birth weight, low-birth-weight-infants


Low-birth-weight infants refers to the infants born less than 2500 grams. Bandung, has higher rate of low-birth-weight infants (18.58%) compare to the other areas in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find the factors which caused the low-birth-weight in the maternity hospitals in Bandung in January to December 2019 with analytical method using case control design. The main sample of this study based on primary data from medical record by whole sampling method, while secondary data was used for sample control by using table of study population. The samples of this study are the mothers who gave birth normally to low-birth-weight infants and the mothers who gave birth to normal infant as the control (1:1). 412 mothers in maternity hospitals in Bandung gave birth to low-birth-weight infants. The result of statistical analysis showed that the mothers’ educational background, gestational age at delivery, body mass index (BMI), smoking habit, number of visit to the antenatal care (ANC), preeclampsia, and infection during pregnancy (p<0.05) affects the low-birth-weight of infants. On the other hand, no relationship was found between low-birth-weight in infants and their mothers’ age, occupation, the parity, the time between pregnancies, and anemia during pregnancy. As conclusion, this study proved that the mothers’ educational background, gestational age at delivery, BMI, smoking habit, number of visit to ANC, preeclampsia, and infection during pregnancy affect the low-birth-weight in infants.


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Cara Mengutip

Damayanti T, F Gunanegara R, Hidayat M. Determinant Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight Babies at Sakit Khusus Ibu dan Anak Kota Bandung From January-December 2019. J. Med. Health [Internet]. 31 Agustus 2022 [dikutip 3 Juli 2024];4(2):131-44. Tersedia pada:




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