Publication Policy

  1. Jurnal Akuntansi is a Journal that contains issues in the field of Accounting and Finance. Jurnal Akuntansi is published under ISSN number 2085-8698 and e-ISSN 2598-4977. The journal is published by Maranatha University Press.
  2. Jurnal Akuntansi is published twice a year regularly in May (Submission Deadline 30 March) and in November (Submission Deadline 30 September).
  3. Jurnal Akuntansi is a platform for lecturers, academics, researchers, practitioners, and students to communicate and convey knowledge in the form of empirical and theoretical research articles, case studies, and literature reviews.
  4. All articles submitted to Jurnal Akuntansi are articles that have never been submitted or in the process of review in other journals.
  5. All accepted articles will be available for download The language used is Indonesian or English. All articles will have a DOI number
  6. The manuscript will be processing to editorial screening and blind review by a member of the editorial team. In order to achieve our standards, the author must consider the following points:
    1. Relevancy to issues that trends in Public Sector Accounting, Taxation, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Information Systems, Finance, Accounting Education, and other topics in accounting issue.
    2. Consistency of
    3. Written logic and well academic
    4. Originality of analysis, paper contribution to academic and
    5. Well referenced by using recent publication and more than 80% national/international reputable journal that published during the last 10


Formatting and Submission

  1. Paper that willing to submit to Jurnal Akuntansi need to follow our template that available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tlsjD7xYSmMhU9v2lnJuSSnHy_yy pjr5/view
  2. Writing and compiling bibliography must be raw and consistent using the MENDELEY citation application. Bibliography writing refers to the American Psyicological Association (APA) style format
  3. All submissions must go through OJS Jurnal Akuntansi at the following link: https://journal.maranatha.edu/index.php/jam/about/submissions
  4. Submission also available after completion of registration to our online journal platform https://journal.maranatha.edu/index.php/jam/user/register





Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Bisnis Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Jl. Prof. drg. Suria Sumantri No.65 Bandung 40164 Email: [email protected]

PIC: Lauw Tjun Tjun, S.E., M.Si. (WA: 081320207700)