Telemedicine on the Legal System in Indonesia: Legal Protection of Patients and Health Workers
Health Law, Omnibus Law, Responsive LawAbstract
Technological developments in the use of telemedicine have many benefits and advantages, but the practice of telemedicine also has vulnerabilities related to certainty, justice and legal usefulness as a form of legal balance in providing legal protection for patients and health workers. This study aims to analyze telemedicine practices in Indonesia with the variables of protecting the rights of patients, health workers, and data security in the formulation of national policies after the enactment of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health and also Government Regulation Number 28 of 2024 as its Implementing Regulations. The research methods used are doctrinal research with an analytical approach, and a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that after the enactment of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health, there is a progressive direction towards telemedicine regulation which will be regulated in derivative regulations of the Law. From the review of responsive law, the state has the responsibility to be present to provide legal protection for the use of telemedicine for both patients and health workers, this is solely to achieve the principle of Gustav Radbruch's legal goals with certainty, justice, and legal benefits.Downloads
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Law and Regulations
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Online Resources
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